It's snowing...again.
And it has been freezing (-12°C), snowing and raining since.
Today I wanted to go buy some socks and underwear but the roads are so slippery best to stay in the Cybercafé and write. Yes, this is it! Otherwise known as Kristi's Office. But their WIFI is limited at best and so I am often offline.
To make matters worse, I cannot live without a computer so I bought a small notebook computer; which did not come with Word and I couldn't even download the free trial!
I am up and running for the moment, Word installed and WIFI working.
For the moment I am living in one of the guest rooms
in the courtyard that were not touched by the fire.
My "frigo" please notice that those are bottles of water not bottles of wine!
And, speaking of... the three rooms in the house that were not totally destroyed? Come on and guess! I will give you a hint....
....and another hint....
Easy Non? The kitchen, bar and wine cellar were the least damaged!
We were even able to save what was in the freezer and frigo! And from the bar here are some of the survivors
At least we can Eat Drink and Be Merry!
and until Feburary 6th ran a bed and breakfast near Orléans.
kristi anderson
le saint jacques le coin perdu
15, place de l'église
45240 Ligny le Ribault
[email protected]