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Hello Kristi!
That is one heck of a sanglier you have got there! I nearly ran into a young family of them early in the morning on my way to work one day. They were trotting along a tiny country lane and I thought I was still asleep and dreaming. Beautiful creatures they are. Your blog, by the way, is lovely and your dogs are SO cute! The'Eat like a wild man' cooking course sound great. I have 2 rabbits (not wild tho) in the freezer, and I still haven't decided what to do with them. Personally, I am not keen on rabbit but my children love it. It is a shame that you are so far away or I would love to come on the course. I could certainly do with some ideas what to do with the rabbits.
best wishes

Lydia, I cannot tell a lie. That is a picture my kids took of me in a restaurant in Prague at Christmas! It is about 130 kgs. The biggest French ones are only around 110kgs! But they can still wreck a car, so be careful! They are, indeed, magnificent beasts:

Don't forget you can cook those rabbits in any of your favorite chicken recipes. Since "Bunny" has arrived my kids are on a strike against eating rabbit. They hold no grudges about eating "ragondin" tho. These bigger-than- muskrats were imported from South America in the latter part of the 19th century for their fur. Two escaped.....and the rest is history. There is no predator for them in Europe and they are wrecking havoc in the ponds here! All that to say when cooked they taste a lot like chicken or rabbit!


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