Just another snowy day
I did manage to get out and take a few photos.

Everything looks pretty when it is covered with freshly fallen snow, even my garden.
That lovely snow hides the fact that I didn’t finish cleaning up the garden before the snows came!

Quickly returned to the house and the fire. I had last minute guests for dinner last night and wasn't very inspired for the dessert. These were guests who come often and thus, had already enjoyed (at least I hope they enjoyed...) many of my recipes. I also knew they loved to try new dishes.
I looked around, the cupboard was almost bare. Then I noticed no one was eating the rosy red apples that I had bought, not even bunny!

Soooooooooooooo I sliced them up, put them in a frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of butter and brown sugar, fresh ginger slices,and a pinch of cardamon.
While letting the mixture carmalize I toasted some slices of "pain d'épices" (spiced bread). I served the apples over the toasts. The marriage between the spiced toasts and the apples was lovely! And, if you really want to let yourself go, add just a splash of Calvados to the apple mixture before serving. Delicious!
kristi anderson
Saint Jacques le Coin Perdu
15 place de l'église
45240 Ligny le Ribault
Everything looks pretty when it is covered with freshly fallen snow, even my garden.
That lovely snow hides the fact that I didn’t finish cleaning up the garden before the snows came!
I looked around, the cupboard was almost bare. Then I noticed no one was eating the rosy red apples that I had bought, not even bunny!
Soooooooooooooo I sliced them up, put them in a frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of butter and brown sugar, fresh ginger slices,and a pinch of cardamon.
While letting the mixture carmalize I toasted some slices of "pain d'épices" (spiced bread). I served the apples over the toasts. The marriage between the spiced toasts and the apples was lovely! And, if you really want to let yourself go, add just a splash of Calvados to the apple mixture before serving. Delicious!
kristi anderson
Saint Jacques le Coin Perdu
15 place de l'église
45240 Ligny le Ribault