Some days it isn’t even worth turning on my computer! It is a HP only three years old so I don’t think it is that. I have Ccleaner which I use faithfully each Monday, so I don’t think it is that. Now, one of my clients after using my Internet says I have the lowest high speed DSL, WHATEVER THAT MEANS…
This high tech stuff is driving me nuts.
I adore writing my blog, finding subjects to talk about, taking pictures, selecting amusing clip art images and putting them together into something
Why can’t it be easier? I seem to struggle with everything and I don’t now if it is me or the computer or the lowest high DSL that I have. For example, why does the quotation key makes quotation marks at the beginning of the quote and those French “entre parenthesis” at the end? But this happens only sporadically.
Or the fact that today all my images have a black background. No idea why. They white backgrounds when I chose them…. So I will spend a few hours pushing butttons, trying this and that and I will probably figure out a why. But I will publish this first.
So bear with me, I promise my writing will get better as well my computing. At least I will “caresse l’éspoir” (keep hoping).
Kristi anderson
Chambre d’hôtes
Saint jacques le coin perdu
15 place de l’église
45240 ligny le ribault