Yes, we will always have Thanksgiving. While only participating in Halloween from time to time I have celebrated Thanksgiving every year since I arrived permanently in France, which was way back in 1988. Don’t know why it is so important for me to celebrate it; I am here in France by choice, I love it, and I don’t envisage moving back to the states. But, I guess for me, it is family, a time together, to forget about past disputes, talk about future hopes, the comfort of the traditional meal and, yes, a two day holiday for us kids. And, of course, for most American men, it is a weekend of American football and for American women, the sales begin!
When I first arrived I was engaged to Olivier and living with him in a small apartment in Paris. Olivier knew somehow that Thanksgiving was important to me and, while I had planned nothing, he had researched which Parisian restaurants would be serving Thanksgiving (quite a few restaurants do serve a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, from inexpensive (Joe Allen’s) to very expensive (Paris Ritz).)
While it was all so lovely and tasty, the turkey succulent, it wasn’t at home and it wasn’t with family. So when we moved into our Versailles home I was determined to do a Thanksgiving dinner and for the family, being in this case, French family. A very never- been- to- the- States French family. They had barely heard of Thanksgiving, thought that American food was a hamburger. But they came,
with trepidation, but they came
And, you know what, it was a success, my father-in-law even commented to my mother-in-law by that it was the moistest turkey he had ever eaten! That was the start of my annual Thanksgiving dinner.
From 1990 until 2002 when I sold “Tea and Tattered Pages” we would serve a Thanksgiving lunch in the small tea room behind the bookstore. And, every year there were more and more French coming, curious to find out what Thanksgiving really meant.
This year’s Thanksgiving week end will take place the 27, 28, 29 November. I will talk about it more tomorrow.
Kristi anderson
Bed & Breakfast
Saint Jacques le coin perdu
15 place de l’église
45240 Ligny le Ribault
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