Auld Alliance Lunch 25 october
Yes, the Scottish came, one real, and fourteen “de coeur” (heartfelt Scots). They are members of the Orleans association “Auld Alliance” association.
"L'Auld Alliance n'a pas été écrite sur un parchemin de peau de brebis mais gravée sur la peau d'homme, tracée non par l'encre mais par le sang" - Alain Chartier XVème Siècle ."
The « Auld Alliance » hasn’t been written on sheep skin parchment but ingraved on Man’s skin not with ink but with blood” Alain Chartier XVth Century.
This “Alliance” is still going strong today; all over France the French continue to honor and celebrate their centuries old friendship with the Scotts.
This is the second year that the Orleans “Auld Alliance 45” has come to the “Coin Perdu” (lost corner but also the name of my bar) to enjoy an authentic Scottish lunch. And, they come dressed for the occasion.
Luckily for me they did not ask for Haggis. I would have made it with pleasure but it is not one of my favorite
dishes. Here is what I did serve
Scottish Kir
White wine, sparkling wine and a good dash of Drambouie
Colcannon or Rumbledethumps with smoked salmon
Here I took Chef’s Privilege and added smoked salmon to the traditional mixture of cooked cabbage and mashed potatoes. To give the cabbage extra flavour, rather than boil it I braised the cabbage in a meat broth.
Roasted Boar,
It is the center of hunting for the French here in Sologne, Loire Valley. I roast mine with a blend of mesquite and hickory smoked flavors.
Cauliflower au Gratin
It definitely becomes Scottish when you add a bit of whiskey to the cheddar cheese sauce!
What else but cheddar!!
Drunken Crumble
Why not add a bit of Drambouie to a traditional apple crumble and see what happens. Magic!
They said it was even better than last year. (Of course last year I hadn’t yet discoovered the Scottish Kir nor the Drunken Crumble! It sure looks they enjoyed it!
So did my Great Grandmother Mack
And, don’t forget our Thanksgtiving week end is coming up 27, 28, 29 November.
Kristi Anderson
Saint Jacques Le Coin Perdu
Bed and Breakfast
Hosted Dinners
15, place de l’église
45240 Ligny le Ribault
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