It is my village's festival and you should come! It is in my bar Le Coin Perdu that the happenings are going to start Friday evening July 24th. It is a great local band who is going to warm up our terrasse with their cool jazz.
Saturday take the time to visit Chambord, or Cheverny or just try out the great wines in Cheverny. If you want to be a more sportive and learn something try falconry, Brigitte from, is passionate about this art; it is really a magical moment to spend the afternoon with Brigitte and her birds of prey.
Saturday at 8pm we opening Le Coin Perdu and Feargal, our preferred Irish guitarist will be keeping the tempo going with folk.
And, Sunday, it is the Street Sale (vide-grenier), don't forget someone is looking for that long lost treasure which is probably sitting in the bottom of your closet!! This year's theme is the "Basque Country" so there should be a great lunch at 10€ waiting for you at the village "buvette". Or, try out the merguez & frys that they usually have at the Colvert, or a traditional lunch at the Sainte anne across the street.
Or, come to the Coin Perdu, Feargal will be there all day strumming on his guitar, some of the locals have promised to join. Me? I'am preparing a special menu for the day. I think, cold salmon with a nice green sauce, or....come and find out yourself!
In addition to our B&B there is another nice one just outside of the village, and it is lucky enough to have a great view of our "petit chambord". Le Bon Hotel is a 19th century chateau that has the look and feel of Chambord but smaller. (I still wouldn't want to be the one who cleans the windows!)It is called the Communs du Bon Hotel.
But don't forget ours!
Saint Jacques