If your French dream is to sit down to a great dinner with locals, then come to my Coin Perdu in Sologne. Saturday May 30th is the Renaissance dinner that I do once a year for the locals. Here is what I post about town. The English translation is just under.
Dans unpetit jardin qui se trouve au COIN PER DU vous serez transporté à La Renaissance! Vous allez être enchante par la groupe musicale "La Rondinella", fascinés par l'art du jonglerie et être regalés comme Elizabeth I, tout autour d'un festin authentique de l'époque.
In a "lost corner" of a small garden you will be taken back to the Renaissance. The music of "La Rondinella" will enchant you, the jugglers fascinating. Come and savor a Renaissance evening such as Elizabeth I would have enjoyed!
Erbolata (herb & cheese tart)
Grilled marinaded chicken
Mushroom toasts
Herb salad
Syrosye (summer pudding)
1/4 wine, coffee
25 euros