Autumn in Sologne
2 or 3 day package - Learn falconry, listen to the Stag's Song (le brame)
From September 15 thru October 15 we are offering a 2 or3 day package which includes a day with Francis and Brigitte Cohu an forest outing with Maison du Cerf and a visit to a Solognot museum
Thanksgiving in the French Countryside 28, 28 & 30 November
Arrive Friday evening for a typical French country dinner, a traditional American Thanksgiving is served Saturday evening.
FrogBreaks - Workshops in Sologne
Starting November we will be offering 2 or 3 day workshops on Photography, painting, writing, well being and n umerous other subjects.
To find out more about our activities please take a look at our web site or call or write [email protected]
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Rédigé par : Dissertation Writing | 27 décembre 2009 à 13:34